The call for contributions is still open: gaycenter.
See a trio of exhibits showcasing the LGBTQuarantine project at our Google Arts & Culture page. Archive New York is a home decor brand that is giving new light to traditional artisanal textiles. I was here on a Friday night catching up with friends. You can access UN archives online and in our Public Research Facility at United Nations Headquarters in New York City. An illustration of a horizontal line over an up pointing arrow. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade.
Special thanks to Dante Hussein, Caitlin McCarthy and Avery Novitch-and all of the contributors to the project. Hi Sign in to let us know how The Archive was Write a Review. Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies & music, as well as 624 billion archived web pages. Nonetheless, connection among our communities continues to be a source of hope and strength for many. In a period when physical distance becomes a necessity for public health, social lives are transformed. Some stay connected with those they live with, some meet loved ones in socially-distanced settings, while others maintain or create relationships through digital means. In response to the particularities of the COVID-19 health crisis, the nature of social interaction and the means through which we experience connection has shifted. Queer Life in Quarantine highlights contributions to The LGBT Community Center National History Archive’s LGBTQuarantine Archive Project, an open call to collect stories, photographs, diary entries, artworks and more representing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine. Selected from the world-class historical collections of the. Holdings consist of personal papers created by individuals and records of organizations periodicals (newspapers and magazines) organization files (printed matter created by organizations for their membership bases) and the organizational records of The Center. Welcome to the New York City Municipal Archives Online Gallery of over 1.6 million images. Materials in the collections run from as early as 1878 to the present day, and are made up of a variety of media, including paper, scrapbooks, photographs, audio and video recordings, pamphlets and printed materials, posters and born-digital records. Below youll find a list of New Yorks old obituaries archives.
Through our collections, we enable the stories and experiences of New York’s LGBTQ people to be told with historical depth and understanding. Visit the main listing of old obituaries archives for free access to all U.S. The LGBT Community Center National History Archive is a community-based archive that collects, preserves, and makes available to the public the documentation of LGBTQ lives and organizations centered in and around New York. For material available from home, check out the Remote Research Guide. We’ve reopened for limited onsite research appointments reach out to to learn more. The goal of this project is to connect Carnegie Corporation of New Yorks digitized past to its born-digital future.